Other projects!

Speculative design, graphic design, and the works.

SASE (Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers) ⟡

This community has helped me develop a lot as a designer and leader, in addition to introducing a lot of precious people in my life. I've previously served as a president, advisor, and publicity chair at my local UCSD chapter, starting as a Publicity Intern with no design experience whatsover. I previously volunteered for SASE Nationals as a Regional Marketing Representative for the west region and currently help run marketing for one of their podcasts. Here are some featured works that have been published on @sase.west, @theadulttablepodcast, and Facebook!
[Branding - Logo]
One variation of the logo I designed for the west region spanning 20 college chapters.
[Graphic Design]
Graphic for APAHM 2020 used as a FB banner. I also designed and helped produce a cookbook filled with family recipes and stories from people in the SASE community.
[Branding - Logo]
Since Oct 2020, I have been leading branding and marketing for a SASE podcast The Adult Table. This was used as the official podcast cover art. I also help co-manage the Instagram account @theadulttablepodcast
[Graphic Design]
Dark variation of the APAHM banner that wasn't used.
[Graphic Design]
A recent design I made for Lunar New Year 2021.
[Motion Graphics]
Gif I made for the @sase.west Instagram for finals week. Using After Effects and Adobe Illustrator.

Speculative Design Projects ⟡

What is speculative design?

At UCSD, Speculative Design is defined as "an artistic approach that emphasizes new ideas and solutions for the present that involve thinking through the future, putting design questions like “what if?” and “for whom?” ahead of market and industry imperatives."

To me, Speculative Design allows us to find different approaches to challenge existing assumptions we have about current issues.
Senior Design Project (Spring 2020)
Because our spring quarter began with the start of the pandemic, our senior design class agreed on creating works surrounding the theme of "Cultural Vaccines and Outbreak Narratives". For my project, I created a website for a restaurant, The Labivore's Dilemma, that would exist in the future and sell unique, plant based meat dishes. A play on The Omnivore's Dilemma (which had a profound impact on me when I read it in high school), I conceptualized this restaurant as a way to address the increase in hate crimes and xenophobic discourse during the pandemic. I speculated that as technologies to develop meat alternatives becomes more advanced, soon there would not only be meat alternatives to beef, but other animals too. This would ideally help change the narrative around ethics surrounding consuming animals and detach stigmas against other cultures for their practices.

Feel free to check out the website I coded in HTML and CSS here.
More school projects coming soon!